Integration with the MILicense

Our MiSupport is seamlessly integrated with the Milicense system to ensure the validity of licenses for ticketing purposes. This integration enables the system to perform regular checks on the expiration dates of customer licenses, determining the eligibility of users to create and submit support tickets.

License Status:

  • Valid License: Customers with valid licenses are granted permission to utilize their accounts for creating support tickets without any hindrance.
  • Expired License: In the event of an expired product license, an error message will be displayed to the user upon attempting to submit a ticket. The customer is advised to contact our support team to renew their license subscription in order to resume ticket submission.

Multi-Product License:

  • Customers holding multiple product licenses retain access to the system, allowing them to benefit from our support services across various products.
  • Product Selection Check: When selecting a product in the new ticket form, the system conducts a thorough check to ensure the selected product’s license has not expired.

Viewing Product’s Expiry Date

On the users’ page, you can easily access essential details about your product licenses, including their expiry dates. This allows you to stay informed about the status of your licenses and take appropriate action if necessary.

  • Login: Access the MiSupport using your credentials.
  • Navigate to Users Page: Once logged in, navigate to the Users page by selecting the appropriate option from the main menu.

Product Information: At the top of the Users page, you will find a section dedicated to displaying your product licenses and their associated expiry dates. This section provides a clear overview of the products you have licenses for and their current status.

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